Real Estate Lead Generation Australia
Where is your next property listing coming from?
What we do
Channel leads from across the internet to your inbox
How we help agencies grow
By harnessing the power of the 3 most crucial elements of the internet & combining them into a lead generation machine for your agency.
With tried and true methods combined with years of experience on and offline the leads come straight to your inbox!
Lets have a closer look...
In just 4 easy steps
Domain Names
Your “virtual address”. A great domain name itself can yield higher growth but combine that with…
Landing Page
A great landing page highly SEO optimised, relevant, to the point that is increased by…
Google Ads
A strong, professionally composed Google Ads account. Highly targeted to the clients & properties you want which will…
Land leads straight to your inbox! Clients can call, visit or email you with any properties they are interested in Selling or Leasing.
Let's delve deeper...
Expand each section and learn more.
We have done the hard work for you. We own the rights to the domain names we offer you. Using as an example, we will provide you a subdomain relevant to your area. For example;
On this new subdomain, we will create the website exactly as shown on the demonstration pages. This page is updated with your company information, all email forms are linked to your email and all Call/SMS links are connected to you.
It is vital to note due to the nature of our package, we have a physical limitation of 100 subdomains per account. This may sound like many, but breaks down to less than 15 per state. In perspective; there is well more than 15 towns/suburbs and areas for each state. With this in mind, if you are interested in our package, we recommend contacting our office as soon as possible to secure your location.
Click Here to visit our demonstration Website
This is our state of the art landing page setup for your ads campaign. This landing page is purpose built from the ground up with 2 things in mind; performance and cost effectiveness.
These landing pages are lightweight for faster loading times and have critical contact information on “first load”, meaning as soon as someone visits the landing page, they have your contact information.
Depending on which type of leads you are looking for, the demonstration page will change. The general look and feel of the page will remain the same, just suited to the types of leads we are able to offer.
Above you will see an example of the ads that we create for your new website. These ads are highly targeted to “in market” customers. No one wants to be paying ads spend on looky loos, our ads are driven into the hands of your customers who are deemed to be actively looking at the service provided, whether its appraisals or property management.
All of our Google adwords managers are formally trained directly from Google (For more information see here)
Adwords management price is variable based on your ads spend per month, and discounts available for locking in your account ahead of time (more information on the link above and information below). Typical ads spend of less that $500 per month is only $100. This is one of the best rates in Australia, by an Australian owned and operated business.
The most crucial point to remember here is we create these ads to focus on tCPA (Target Cost Per Acquisition) with the acquisition being the completion of a contact form. This means that your Google adwords budget is highly targeted to people that will be likely to complete the “request an appraisal” form (in a scenario of the goal being appraisals)
Setup is included in the start up costs and we recommend $200.00 per month ad spend at least for the first few months to ascertain exactly what $50 spend per week is likely to supply. Happy with the amount? Leave it be. Want double the leads? Spend $100 per week. Google ads are completely flexible, even in a short space of time. Need to fill next weeks calendar with appointments? Let’s turn up the volume for a few days and have you booked out! These options will be discussed in length during your initial consultation.
You will find after a very short amount of time that the leads coming through this channel have one of the highest ROI yields compared to any other online marketing strategy.
The Results
An example at work
We ran our test lead generation package for while using $250.00 on Google Ads budget per month with the below results. This was active from October 20th 2020 until December 31st 2020.
Below are a sample of the analytics from this case study:

This has had a huge impact for the business. Our test ad in action was directed solely towards property management for this case study.
Please see below for a copy of the detailed report from October 2020 – December 2020
– 76,153 Impressions (Amount of times ad was displayed)
– 808 Clicks (with an average 1.02% Click through Rate)
– Total cost of $598.08 (under budget each month, with an average cost per click of $0.70)
As you will also notice in the complete report the costs per click tend to go down each month. This is simply how Google Ads work as they are automatically adjusting your ads to what works best, along with our inhouse systems and team monitoring your accounts performance.
These reports will be emailed to you monthly so you are able to keep tracking of your spend as well as the performance of your campaign.
The Package
View Our Demonstration Pages Now
The complete online solution
Our packages are offered turn-key. Once in place they truly are set and forget products.
Included in the startup costs are the following:
– Sub Domain Name Relating to your Area.
– Website / Landing Page as on demonstration page
– Google Ad account setup & management
– 12 months website hosting
– Up to 2 hours with an account manager to determine your needs, desired outcomes and key performance indicators
The complete package is $1490.00 to setup up.
Ongoing Costs (Monthly):
– Google Ads Budget (as determined by you) We recommend $50 per week to begin to measure outcomes from budgets
– Google Ads management fee of $100 (if budget under $500/month) OR 25% of budget if over $500 per month
Ongoing Costs (Annually):
– Domain & Hosting Renewal $249.44.
Based on the above example provided, spend is $1490.00 upfront, $300 Monthly and $249.44 Annually. You can raise and lower your Google Ads budget as required. More information regarding budgets can be found here:
This package can be used for an entire agency or an individual agent. We tailor make everything to meet your specific requirements. To proceed, please phone our office and we will take full payment of $1499.00 and send you the contract via email. You will have 48 hours cooling off period to review the documentation. After 48 hours, we will commence work and usually is completed within 1 working day. With such a low startup cost and minimal ongoing costs, you can already see your Return on Investment being quite high.
Please phone our office or complete the form below today for more detailed information, consultation or to check availability in your service areas. We look forward to hearing from you and assisting with your lead generation needs.
Note: All pricing listed is subject to and exclusive of GST.
Let's chat
Let us help you grow your business.
- 1300 83 44 19
- PO BOX 289, DRYSDALE, VIC 3222
All Content, Design and Management © 34th Degree.
34th Degree are specialists in online marketing, telemarketing and website development. RELG packages are managed by our sister company, National Administration of Domain Names (